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Il lockdown e la reinvenzione dello spazio comune : relazioni di vicinato online e offline in un complesso di edilizia sociale a Vienna

2020 - Franco Angeli

22-33 p.

The lockdown and the reinvention of common space. Online and offline neighborhood relations in a social housing complex in Viennaarticle discusses neighborhood relations as contested "field of residential affairs" unfolding online and offline. It debates what happens when the physical closeness that characterizes offline neighborhood relations gets lost. The focus lies on the period of confinement during the COVID19 pandemic. A new built housing estate in Vienna will be discussed as ethnographic example. The article underlines how the communication in online platforms enabled residents of the housing estate to reinvent a common neighborhood space marked by USAmerican popculture. It will be discussed how the "digital" enactment of community in times of confinement offered opportunities for specific residents, while it reinforced the exclusion of others. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 60, 2, 2020