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Il Faktum der Vernunft : tra uso pratico della ragione e uso trascendentale delle categorie

2020 - Franco Angeli

705-740 p.

The Faktum der Vernunft: between the practical use of Reason and the transcendental use of Categories. Recently, scientific literature on the "Fact of Reason" has experienced a significant increase and, yet, scholars don't generally take into account the fact that, in 1788, 1. The noumenon's thought is entrusted to the power of certain dynamic laws; 2. Kant admits the fecundity of the unschematized use of these dynamic laws or categories; 3. The moral law, identified with the rational concept of cause, takes the place of the intellectual intuition and 4. As such, it determines, positively, the unconditioned's reality.

Then, in this work we'll provide an interpretation of the "Fact of Reason" as consistent as possible with these points and, at the same time, with the opinion of some Italian scholars according to whom, theorizing the need for a synthesis of the heterogeneous, Kant has accomplished a "revolution" where the cause ceases to be a category. What does it mean, in fact, to use a pure concept without the mediation of schemes? Is the unschematized use of moral law still a critical use? [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXV, 4, 2020