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Napoleone Colajanni e la Prima guerra mondiale : dall'anticolonialismo all'interventismo

2016 - Editoriale Scientifica

567-607 p.

This essay, which analyzes the role played by Napoleone Colajanni the most authoritative exponent of democratic interventionism, is part of the research project on Sicilian thinkers during WWI, promoted by Catania University. The reading of Colajanni's writings and articles allows us to notice his political and cultural commitment from the war in Libya to the end of WWI. Although there are previous studies on this research area, new hypotheses, focusing on the contribution of Mazzini's thought on Colajanni choices, are emerging. His interventionism aimed to complete Italian unification, but also aimed to the selfdetermination of population according to the principle of nationality, differing in this aspect from the liberal national government policy. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VIII, 3, 2016