Giuristi italiani tra il retaggio del Risorgimento, la Grande Guerra e il fascismo : i profili biografici dei protagonisti
250-265 p.
Based on the biographies of the main Italian jurists, the essay examines the cultural itinerary of a generation that extends from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century. This is a category of research that in the past was neglected and only recently is the subject of attention. In particular the years of Fascism see a diversity of behaviors and a substantial adhesion of many jurists to the innovations introduced especially with the corporative system. It is also interesting to note how some of these scholars held top positions also in democratic Italy. Therefore the period between the two wars is fundamental in the history of Italy and is such also for the history of legal culture. [Publisher's text].
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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : XI, 2, 2019-
Articles du même numéro (disponibles individuellement)
ISSN: 2037-0520
- Position Italian Jurists, Risorgimento, Fascism