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No profit e impatto sociale al tempo dei Big Data : tra Quantified Context e Blockchain

2020 - Franco Angeli

157-174 p.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the opportunities that digitalization and big data can offer for non-profit organizations, and in particular the role they can play in the evaluation of social impact. Big data are a valuable resource for the quantification of the social context, that represents a strong basis to both design policies which are evidence-based, and to measure the impact of the actions implemented. Blockchain technology is an example that shows how digitalization can support this process, and it has been widely used by philanthropic organizations to guarantee the transparency of their projects and receive outcome-based donations. While in the healthcare system big data has led to a Quantified Self, the analysis of "social" big data might lead to an increased importance of what can be called Quantified Context. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XIX, 1, 2020