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Il sogno del Conte Thun e la ricerca di Freud sul passato del padre : una vergogna da nascondere nel passato di Jacob Freud?

2019 - Franco Angeli

625-644 p.

  • Viene preso in considerazione il sogno del Conte Thun con l'intento di mettere in luce una possibile ricerca di Freud attraverso questo sogno su due eventi oscuri nel passato del padre: la seconda moglie Rebekka e l'abbandono di Freiberg, la città natale di Freud. Si ritiene di poter individuare nel contenuto manifesto del sogno alcuni riferimenti all'infanzia di Freud a Freiberg e al viaggio che condusse la famiglia prima a Lipsia e poi a Vienna, e numerosi riferimenti alla scena primaria cui con molta probabilità il piccolo Sigmund assistette ripetutamente nella prima infanzia. [Testo dell'editore].
  • Freud's Count Thun dream is examined in order to shed light on the hypothesis that Freud through this dream tried to understand two dark events in his father's past: the second wife Rebekka and the departure from Freud's hometown Freiberg. It is argued that in the dream's manifest content a reference can be found to Freud's childhood in Freiberg and to the journey that relocated his family first in Leipzig and later in Vienna. It is also argued that this dream and Freud's associations are filled with sexual references to the primal scene that Freud could observe many times in his early childhood. In this dream Freud expresses aggressiveness toward his father for having been exposed to the primal scene in his early childhood and for the loss of his Freiberg's paradise due to his father's job loss. It is shown as well that in this dream Freud failed to detect childhood episodes that were more relevant than those he discovered dealing with his enuresis. [Publisher's text].

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Psicoterapia e scienze umane : LIII, 4, 2019