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Social justice and retention : a study of marginalized statistical minority students at a predominantly white rural institution in the U.S.

2019 - Franco Angeli

5-21 p.

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the experiences of marginalized statistical minority student's ability to be successful at a rural Predominately White Institution in the United States. The experiences were examined from three contexts, (1) access, (2) retention, and (3) campus climate. Social Justice and its impact on retention were explored using a qualitative approach. Afrocentrism and Critical Pedagogy was used as guiding theoretical frameworks. [Publisher's text].

Lo studio mira ad una migliore comprensione della capacità degli studenti di minoranza statisticamente emarginata di avere successo all'interno di un'istituzione rurale prevalentemente bianca, negli Stati Uniti. Le esperienze sono state esaminate da tre prospettive, (1) accesso, (2) retention e (3) clima nel campus. La Social Justice e il suo impatto sulla retention sono stati esplorati utilizzando un approccio qualitativo. Afrocentrismo e pedagogia critica sono stati adottati come quadri teorici di riferimento. [Testo dell'editore].

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Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching : research and practices : 4, 2, 2019