Domínguez, Adolfo J. Introduction 2018 - ETS P. 9-11 Fait partie de Politics, territory and identity in ancient Epirus. - ( Diabaseis ; 8) Chapitres du même volume (disponibles individuellement) Introduction Obtenir le chapitre Introduction New Developments and Tradition in Epirus : The Creation of the Molossian State Obtenir le chapitre From the Fifth Century to 167 B.C. : Reconstructing the History of Ancient Epirus Obtenir le chapitre Polis and Dependency in Epirus : the Case of Cassope and the poleis of Cassopaea Obtenir le chapitre L'isola, l'epeiros e il santuario : una riflessione sull'anathema corcirese a Dodona Obtenir le chapitre The Relationships among Greek Oracular Sanctuaries : Rivalry, Cooperation or Desistance? Obtenir le chapitre Territori e paesaggi sacri nella Caonia ellenistica e romana Obtenir le chapitre I luoghi della vita politica e amministrativa nelle città dell'Epiro Obtenir le chapitre Linguistic Aspects of Epirote Ethnics Obtenir le chapitre On the Boundaries of Greece : References to the Topography and Archaeology of Epirus in the Accounts of the Earliest Travellers to the Region (18th and 19th centuries) Obtenir le chapitre Indices Obtenir le chapitre Abstracts Obtenir le chapitre Informations Code DOI : 10.1400/272093 Permalink: