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Sulle sponde dello Ionio : Grecia occidentale e Greci d'Occidente

2016 - ETS

xiii, 518 p. : ill.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

This volume represents the concluding phase of the research project "On the Ionian shores": Western Greece and Western Greeks carried out by five units of five Italian Universities (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Università della Calabria, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli studi di Parma, Sapienza Università di Roma) and funded by the MIUR as one of the 2009 Projects of Relevant National Interest (PRIN). The volume collects papers presented at the international Conference held December 2-4, 2013 at the University of Calabria by the members of the various working groups as well as contributions from well known Italian and foreign scholars which provide further interesting and useful insights. The contributions to the knowledge of the Ionian area offered by the five research groups, however, are non limited to this volume.

It's a great pleasure to count among the PRIN 2009 results (in continuity with PRIN 2007) the Proceedings of conferences edited by Luisa Breglia (Paestum 2014) and Maria Letizia Lazzarini (Roma forthcoming) respectively, and the books Prospettive corciresi, ed. by Claudia Antonetti and Edoardo Cavalli (Diabaseis 5, Pisa 2015), that collect essays by different authors on Corcyra, and Ugo Fantasia, Ambracia dai Cipselidi ad Augusto: materiali per una storia della città fino alla prima età imperiale (Diabaseis 7, forthcoming). The two monographs contribute to filling a gap in the studies on the Ionian area, and the two Corinthian colonies especially. They are a stimulus to further expected research developments in an area that deserves to remain in the spotlight of scholars. [Publisher's text].

Contributions in Italian, English; postface in French; abstracts in English.

"Atti del Convegno internazionale, Rende, 2-4 dicembre 2013.".