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In interiori puero, una proposta di mediazione culturale nei musei

2019 - Franco Angeli

7-23 p.

The following contribution introduces the general considerations that inspired In interiori puero project, created by the Author in 2016 and implemented in 2017, in cooperation with Vatican Museums and Istituto comprensivo "Mar dei Caraibi". Starting from an analysis that shows how abstract the idea of museum is for children, the choice of Wenzel Peter's Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is motivated as an initial approach to the educational activity. It Is, then, explained how the project overturned the common organization of museums visit for primary school pupils, and suggested a method that relies on the acquisition of that autonomy and awareness that is indicated in the same name of the research. [Publisher's text]

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Cadmo : giornale italiano di pedagogia sperimentale : 1, 2019