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Come ci cambia l'università che cambia : le conseguenze del sistema di valutazione sugli aspetti organizzativi e istituzionali

2019 - Franco Angeli

29-50 p.

The aim of this paper is to explore the changes in the Italian Higher Education in the context of the «new spirit of evaluation» (Barats, Bouchard and Haakenstad, 2018). In particular, the authors analyze the higher education institutions' organizational modifications as a result of the evaluation device of scientific research designed by the National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research (ANVUR), as well as its consequences for the academic community, in particular for human and social sciences. The results shed new light on the problematic adaptation of professors to the spirit of the higher education reforms promoted in recent years. The authors conclude that, in their opinion, such maladjustments possibly arise from the misleading expectations that have been placed in the system of research evaluation, seen as a «myth» or a «taboo» (Capano, Regini and Turri, 2017). [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 118, 1, 2019