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La crisi ed il declino italiani : dibattito ed evidenze recenti

2018 - Franco Angeli

77-96 p.

Italy has not yet managed to recover from the last big crisis, and the country continues to worsen its rank concerning the most important indicators of growth and socio-economic development. Looking at a long run perspective, the Italian model of economic development and productive specialisation persists and increases its weaknesses, while a few well-known criticalities of the institutional system remain relevant. At the same time, the issue of the feasible economic policies cannot be overlooked: as a matter of fact, it remains the cornerstone within the broader debate on the EU austerity orientation.

Disappointingly, this debate is often characterised by ideological positions - sometimes related to mere party's marketing strategies - thereby loosing adherence to the socio-economic facts and figures. In this work, we reconsider the debate on the economic crises and the structural decline, by examining a comprehensive range of medium-term socio-economic indicators. The main aim is to carry out a reality-check for the received wisdom, and to point to the main conditions for relaunching the country's economy. [Publisher's text]

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Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 1/2, 2018