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Oltre la polarizzazione pro-vax versus no-vax : atteggiamenti e motivazioni nel dibattito italiano sulle vaccinazioni

2019 - Franco Angeli

176-190 p.

The dichotomy "pro-vax"/"no-vax" is a mass media artefact and does not account for the complexity of the debate on vaccines and immunization policies. Unlike, a phenomenological oriented sociological approach steps away from any partisan position, advocating an independent view. Accordingly, the analysis of the attitudes and actors involved in the debate shows that: there exist at least nine different (and sometimes overlapping) positions; "no-vax" is the smallest minority; the polarization (if any) seems between standard versus contextual and personalized approaches to health. Consequently, the research questions the "hesitancy" category, because it does not fully account for the complexity of the vaccine criticism and is too grounded on a specific actor only (the parents), neglecting other actors, including scientists. Finally, the role (hitherto neglected) of scientists and general practitioners is highlighted. A clue of a new scientific controversy? [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XVIII, 2, 2019