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La sicurezza negli stadi in Italia : tifo, violenza, diritto e misure di contrasto

2018 - Franco Angeli

159-185 p.

The paper aims to analyse stadium safety, football-related violence and legal adjustments characterizing Italy in recent years. Facing the complexity and the heterogeneity of fans' conduct and the variety of all possible actors and situations involved, academic investigations have provided useful and targeted interpretations, but they have missed to provide uniform definitions and explanations of this phenomenon. At the same time, over the last decades, public debates, influenced by the media, focused their attention on how ultras might be a dangerous threat to public good, social order and rules. In doing so, they have understated wider interpretations and have constantly increased moral blame against an enemy represented as criminal. Within this context, the legal framework has been oriented towards a paradigm of social danger.

The legislative action has taken on punitive and preventive roles, aimed at preserving safety in stadiums, while often overlooking more general consideration of civil rights. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 3, 2018