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Unione europea e turismo : quali opportunità per le autonomie locali?

2017 - Franco Angeli

185-206 p.

  • After a short framework of the competences regarding the subject-matter «tourism» in the EU legal system, especially in the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, the work dwells on relevance of local government in the supranational legal system itself. The issue of structural funds and of other sources of financing that indirectly affect the subject-matter «tourism» that the regions and local government can still use, is then dealt with, unless it is the Community Initiative-IC that allow the EU direct funding, as in the case of the development of cross-border, transnational and interregional projects in the Interreg program, especially the V, to which the Friuli-Venezia Giulia, then also Grado, is particularly interested. The final reflection is dedicated to the future scenario of the EU with a specific hypothetical revival of local government and a further development of the tourism sector starting from the analysis of the White Paper of the European Commission of March 2017. [Publishers' text].

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Rivista italiana di diritto del turismo : 20/21, 2/3, 2017