Primo Levi racconta : fascismo, antifascismo, ebrei a Torino negli anni Trenta
108-120 p.
The following interview will focus of the main fields of study brought forward by M.A. Manacorda throughout his life. Educational concepts and pedagogical actions emerge from his investigation on the Marxian classics, Antonio Gramsci and from his direct experience as an educator. Starting his analysis from the main differences between informal and intentional and/or institutional education, he grasps the presence of this topic already in Plato,stopping by Gramsci, he then passes to an in depth analysis of the educational practice through the centuries: his view is always tied to the development of the socio-economic entities of each time. Manacorda compares the dialectic between ereditary and environmental components with the recent scientific and historic achievements.
The debate among the Constituency parties regarding the role of school and education is an issue which still leave unsolved problems in Italy: laicity and dogmatism, spontaneism and socialisation, underestimation of the educational role in both individual and social destiny. The educational ideal of Manacorda, a school for everyone and of everyone, here emerges, according to the ideal of the "omnilateral man" which is based on the foundational concept of the real historical development. [Publishers' text].
Fait partie de
Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 26, 1, 2018-
Articles du même numéro (disponibles individuellement)
Code DOI : 10.3280/HM2018-026009
ISSN: 2036-5071
- Mario Alighiero Manacorda, Educazione, Platone, Marx, Gramsci, uomo onnilaterale
- Mario Alighiero Manacorda, Education, Platone, Marx, Gramsci, omnilateral man.