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Amore e disamore, la distruzione dell'amore : abbozzo di formalizzazione del corso naturale della passione amorosa

2018 - Franco Angeli

115-130 p.

The paper aims to describe, from a phenomenological and psychoanalytic point of view, the emotional dynamics of love passion reducing it to some essential postulates and corollaries: a) Every love experience actualizes the early structured, and qualitatively different, symbiotic bond to a caregiver. b) Love is an emotional experience rising up from instinctual drives that compel the subject to search physical/sexual contacts with another person, in conflict with narcissistic needs. c) The love experience is an illusionary state. The sym-biotic-fusional couple lives in a sort of unrealistic, unstable and temporary dual psychotic state. Matching with reality, the love experience changes dynamically, and necessarily in a time lasting from some months to a few years. d) The de-fusional experiences are characterized by more or less pronounced feelings of emotional ambivalence or by ambiguous behaviours that lead to misunderstandings,

high-degree conflicts in the couple and to a premature end of the relationships. e) The relationships that survive in the long time are not supported by intense emotions and passionate feelings, but by narcissistic advantages for the singles. [Publishers' text].

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Società degli individui : 62, 2, 2018