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L'impatto del contratto di rete nei processi di internazionalizzazione : alcune evidenze empiriche sulle PMI italiane

2018 - Franco Angeli

61-83 p.

In last years, the EU institutions have implemented policies aimed at supporting the internationalization of SMEs. In 2012, Italy has transposed this Community impulses through the introduction into national law of the network contract (NC). The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of NC in competitive processes of business internationalization. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 126 companies belonging to a NC. The empirical results show that such an instrument could represent for Italian SMEs an effective means of support within the work conducted on international markets. The results show the effectiveness of the instrument in fostering the transfer of know how between the companies belonging to the network. [Publishers' text].

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Management Control : 2, 2018