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Monitoraggio e valutazione nelle strategie di Open Government : un'analisi comparativa dei National Action Plan

2017 - Franco Angeli

83-100 p.

The concept of Open Government has recently captured international attention redefining and influencing public policies, national and sub-national administrative systems. A global trend that has produced, however, specific outcomes at the national level because of the mediation of of each socio-institutional context. Our research, considering the centrality of evaluation mechanisms within the Open Government policies, aims to highlight the role assigned to the monitoring and evaluation processes of strategic plans highlighting how these two issues (monitoring and evaluation) are addressed within national strategies of four specific groups of countries (Liberals, Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic) in order to bring out the different levels of relevance and consistency with their commitments. The study, based on a total sample of 12 countries (three for each of the four groups), was conducted by analyzing the official documentary material also through the use of specific software for content analysis.

The method adopted is the comparative analysis and aims to highlight the peculiarities of each case putting in evidence infra-group differences (between the 4 considered clusters) and intra-group (between countries within the same cluster). Despite the global convergence, the analysis confirms the relevance of the different socio-institutional contexts in influencing the meanings and priorities within the Open Government paradigm. [Publishers' text].

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 67, 1, 2017