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Pianificazione strategica, strumenti di programmazione e attuazione degli investimenti nel settore dei trasporti : crescita del divario Nord-Sud

2017 - Franco Angeli

135-161 p.

Strategic planning, programming tools and implementation of investments in the transport sector: growth of North-South gap The EU programming documents concerning transport sector aim to overcome the considerable disparity in terms of quality and availability of infrastructures among and within Member States, including by establishing missing links. However, this European strategic plan seems to be counteracted by national sectorial programs and policies, focused much more on improving existing and relatively new infrastructures, than on building the missing ones. The analysis of the Italian "Strategic Infrastructures Program" shows for Southern Italy, in the last fifteen years, an important trend to downsize the interventions related to the transport system. [Publishers' text].

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Economia pubblica : XLIV, 2, 2017