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Translating means-end research into advertising strategy using the meccas model

2017 - Franco Angeli

333-356 p.

This paper illustrates the translation of actual research data of a meansend analysis into concrete advertising strategies using the so called "means-end conceptualization of the components of advertising strategy" - commonly referred to as "meccas" model. In this case, an underlying study examined buying motives of male German recreational athletes with regards to anabolic supplements using the means-end approach. By applying the meccas model, i.e. translating the different layers of the cumulated means-end chains of this study into elements of advertising, six print-advertising strategies were developed in cooperation with a professional graphic studio. Practical applications of the meccas model with regards to its original intent of developing advertising strategies have been conducted very rarely in a scientific context. This case study will pose an illustrative example for researchers and marketers alike and also lay basis for further scrutiny of means-end theory in general. [Publishers' text].

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Economia agro-alimentare : XIX, 3, 2017