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Qualità e processi partecipativi : lo strumento dell'autovalutazione : un percorso sperimentale per i GAL toscan

2016 - Franco Angeli

46-58 p.

This paper aims to describe the experience carried out in the Rural Development Programme (RDP) of Tuscany Region for the period 2007-2013 in the assessment of the activities implemented by the Local Action Groups (LAG) using a participatory approach. This assessment method has been adopted to stimulate awareness of the LAGs as local development agents and enhancer of the Social Capital of the territories in which they operated. Through an evaluation process well-structured step by step, the self-assessment tried to maximize the acquisition of information from the individual LAG for the RDP evaluation at regional level and to strengthen their empowerment and reliability as agents of rural and local development. [Publisher's Text].

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 66, 3, 2016