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Modelli di genere e attività domestiche : genitori e figli a confronto

2016 - Franco Angeli

84-114 p.

In the light of changes occurred in gender roles over the years, it seems useful to investigate whether the new generations adopt more equal gender roles at home and if the parents' daily organization affects the participation of their children to domestic chores. Using data from the Istat survey on Time Use carried out in 2008-9, the paper examines some hypotheses related to the well-known approaches (gender ideology, modelling, time availability, stress crossover). The results, while showing a limited contribution of the sons in domestic work, highlight the greater accountability of the daughters, thus confirming the family as a context of reproduction of traditional gender roles. At the same time, it was noticed that the father has an important educational role: both male and female children are more involved when their fathers are engaged in the more stereo-typically female tasks. Moreover, children's sensitivity to the parental stress appears to be mediated by gender: male children increase the time devo

ted to housework when their fathers are stressed out and so do the females with reference to their mothers [Publisher's Text].

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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 110, 2, 2016