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Frequenza alle lezioni e percezione di utilità delle esercitazioni pratiche nei corsi di laurea in Scienze delle attività motorie e sportive

2016 - Franco Angeli

95-108 p.

Providing an explanatory, unambiguous and definitive discussion on the role of the speculative and practices components in the teaching of a discipline is complex. It might seem obvious that scientific and technical disciplines require different learning activity, sometimes more practical, sometimes more theoretical. But these conventional approaches actually are not fully proven. Regarding Human Movement Sciences, historically assigned to the technical-scientific branch, for long time the need to support the practical experiential with theoretical notions was discussed about, with a proper crosscutting approach. The present study aims to investigate these characteristics, specifically trying to clarify some aspects of teaching a practical matter, Artistic Gymnastic, in the course of study in Science of motor and sports activities. Specifically, the results show that students who attend classes getting a final vote higher than non-attending, and those who believe in the utility of active learning of this disc

ipline have a final vote higher than those who believe that the matter has little or no utility. The study tries to provide an objective analysis in a highly subjective area, highlighting details purely related to the conduct of practical exercises in the teaching of sciencetechnique matter.

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Cadmo : giornale italiano di pedagogia sperimentale : 1, 2016