Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali. LUG./SET., 2005 2005 - Vita e Pensiero Fait partie de Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali. - Trimestrale = Three-monthly Articles du même numéro (disponibles individuellement) "Countrymetrics": valutazione della "performance" economica e tecnologica dei paesi e posizionamento dell'Italia Obtenir l'article Learning to Coordinate whit Heterogeneous Belief-Formation Obtenir l'article Multi-Agent and Common Agency Games with Complete Information: A Survey Obtenir l'article Are Human Rights Becoming Burdensome for Our Economies? The Role of Slavery-Like Practice in the Development of World Economics and in the Context of Modern Society Obtenir l'article Point-System Driving Licence: Was it Really Necessary? Obtenir l'article Recensioni Obtenir l'article Informations Permalink: http://digital.casalini.it/2193998 DISCIPLINES Sciences sociales