Stolzenberg, Daniel | Keller, Michael A. | Trujillo, Roberto G. | Lowood, Henry | Findlen, Paula | Baldwin, Martha | Nummedal, Tara E. | Gorman, Michael John | Gouk, Penelope | Wilding, Nick | Saussy, Haun | Mustain, John E. | Hinman, Barry E. The great art of knowing : the baroque encyclopedia of Athanasius Kircher : publ. on the occasion of the exhibition at the Stanford University libraries 2001 - Stanford University Libraries Options d'usage Télécharger Copier/coller Impression Télécharger | Copier/coller | Impression EUR 41,32 TVA exclue Acheter Aller aux chapitres PDF eB E-book
Lowood, Henry | Trujillo, Roberto G. Preface 2001 - Stanford University Libraries Fait partie de Great art of knowing : the baroque encyclopedia of Athanasius Kircher : publ. on the occasion of the exhibition at the Stanford University libraries Visualiser PDF c Chapitre