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Fiscalità ed epigrafia nel mondo romano : nuove ricerche : atti del convengo internazionale (Catania, 9-10 dicembre 2022)

2024 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

117 pages : illustrations

  • Includes bibliographical references.
  • The proceedings of the conference that now come to light are intended as a continuation of the work that began five years ago: the 2019 conference in Catania - which saw, among others, the participation of scholars with great experience in the field of taxation and epigraphy - inaugurated, in fact, the meetings between experts on issues related to ancient taxation, considered, however, from a particular angle, that of epigraphy. If most of the papers presented at the first conference were devoted to the western provinces of the empire, with a focus on Africa, in this second one more space was reserved for the eastern provinces, which were the subject of interesting insights from various perspectives.
  • The issues addressed and analysed with the help of methodologies or new approaches are sometimes very broad; on the other hand, some little-known dossiers have been opened up and explored. The results achieved concern multiple aspects of Roman taxation, focusing on various types of inscriptions, articulated from the microscale to the macroscale, in a precisely multi-scalar study of an extremely diverse Roman world. [Publisherìs text]
  • Contributions in French, Italian, and English.
  • Proceedings.
  • See also our card no. 4692828.