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Students, teachers, families, and a socially just education rewriting the grammar of schooling to unsettle identities

2023 - Lived Places Publishing

148 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Education has been and continues to be shaped, informed, anddriven by a so-called "grammar of schooling": an approach whichcompletely ignores the many and diverse identities that learnersown, are given, and encounter. Categorising students into neat, labelled boxes; splintering knowledge into strictly definedsubjects; and fracturing learning - this grammar of schoolingdesperately needs rewriting.Through narratives from teachers, students, and students'families, this book explores the lived experiences of those who are forced to live with the current approach, and the consequences for their lives, relationships, and education. It also asks thequestion of what creative and holistic alternative approachesmight look like. [Publisher's text]