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"Il costo della cura" : la relazione tra sindrome di burnout e la professione dello psicoterapeuta : una rassegna sistematica della letteratura ine gestaltica

2023 - Franco Angeli

61-78 p.

Obiettivo principale del presente studio è identificare le variabili connesse alla sindrome di burnout nel professionista della salute mentale, nello specifico dello psicoterapeuta attraverso una revisione sistematica, condotta secondo le linee guida PRISMA (Page et al., 2021), con un arco temporale che va dal 2012 a gennaio 2023. La selezione finale ha portato all'inclusione di 20 articoli trovati sui database Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, SocINDEX con Full Text, Education research Complete, APA PsycArticles (EBSCO); PubMed e Scopus. Le variabili "empatia" e "risonanza corporea" sono risultate fondamentali per stabilire una mi-gliore qualità della relazione terapeutica, risultato in linea con i dati già ottenuti dalla ricerca sulla psicoterapia della Gestalt (Spagnuolo Lobb et al., 2022a).

Un obiettivo comune per i cli-nici potrebbe essere quello di potenziare le attività di co-visione e supervisione clinica, soste-nendo la risonanza estetica e di campo (Spagnuolo Lobb et al., 2022b). [Testo dell'editore].

In recent years, research on psychotherapy has focused on the psychotherapist's experience and ability to respond to the client's needs. However, no study has addressed the rela-tionship that may exist between the psychotherapeutic profession and the possible develop-ment of symptoms related to burnout syndrome from a gestalt perspective. In relation to this, the main objective of the present study is to identify variables related to burnout syndrome in the psychotherapist through a systematic review of the literature. eview was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021), with a time frame from 2012 to January 2023. The final selection resulted in the inclusion of 20 arti-cles found in the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, SocINDEX with Full Text, Education research Complete, APA PsycArticles (EBSCO); PubMed and Scopus databases.

Among the major findings that emerged from the review is that the variables "empathy" and "bodily resonance" seem to be factors of fundamental importance in order to be able to establish a better quality of the therapeutic relationship. This result is fully in line with data already obtained from Gestalt psychotherapy research on therapist responsiveness and intui-tion (Spagnuolo Lobb et al., 2022a). Consequently, a better quality of the therapeutic relation-ship predisposes to a good perception of one's quality of life in reference to the work aspect. In conclusion, a common goal to be achieved to mitigate the potential negative effects of stress in clinical settings could be to implement professional development activities from intervision and clinical supervision, supporting aesthetic and field resonance (Spagnuolo Lobb et al., 2022b). [Publisher's text].

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Quaderni di Gestalt : rivista semestrale di psicoterapia della Gestalt : 1, 2023