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Provincializzare la secolarizzazione : la critica post- e decoloniale al dibattito sulla secolarizzazione e la sua crisi

2022 - Franco Angeli

74-86 p.

  • This essay provides an overview on how the debate on secularisation and post secularisation has been assessed in a post or decolonial perspective. First of all, it will reconstruct the main aspects of the post and decolonial critique on a secularisation as part and parcel of a Eurocentric view of modernity; it will then analyse how this critical approach casts new light on the thesis of the 'crisis of secularisation', and most of all, on any investigation of the scope and nature of a post secular condition. This reconstruction work is all the more necessary as a post and decolonial glance has a major contribution to offer also in the quest for genuinely inclusive and pluralist models of democracy; to this end, the essay will also consider the intersection between gender religion and coloniality. [Publisher's text].

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