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L'abitato protostorico di via S. Donato-Caserma Battistini (BO) nel quadro dell'Età del Bronzo Recente nel Bolognese

2022 - Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria

P. 1-29

This paper focuses on the analysis of a Recent Bronze Age settlement recently found in Bologna, in the area of the former Caserma Battistini - via San Donato. This area shows traces of numerous phases, from the Recent Bronze Age (RBA) to Late Antiquity. Probably, the settlement dated to RBA extended even further north, covering an area of several hectares, up to the area of via Trebbi, where other materials of this phase were found. In this area, especially in the western sector, it was possible to identify the traces of numerous post holes, which highlight the presence of structures with a rectangular and elliptical plan. These structures are perhaps identifiable as huts for residential use and show comparisons with other settlements in the Romagna area such as that of Monte Castellaccio. In other excavation sectors, other holes and discharges of pottery were found.

The material culture of this settlement shows the presence of pottery and bronze founds datable between RBA1 and early RBA2, with comparisons with the Terramare and Romagna areas. The settlement of via S. Donato-Caserma Battistini was inhabited during a phase of development for the population of the Bolognese area, i.e. at the beginning of the RBA, and is located on the top of a paleodox of the Savena River, few kilometers north from the area of Villa Cassarini, Villa Bosi, Acquedotto, Villa Sarti, and Viale Aldini, where numerous settlements dating back to the Bronze Age (advanced MBA3-initial RBA2) were recovered. At the beginning of RBA2 the settlement of Caserma Battistini was abandoned. It was a moment of crisis that was currently affecting the whole southern Po plain. Some traces of floods are evident in the western sector, where the coverage has made it possible to preserve the evidence of RBA. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, 2022