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Contaminazioni epistemologiche : Ernesto de Martino e lo sviluppo di un pensiero psicologico complesso

2022 - Franco Angeli

225-244 p.

Il difficile percorso intrapreso da Ernesto de Martino nell'aprire un confronto tra antropologia e psicologia ha suscitato molte perplessità nel clima culturale degli anni 1960. Prima vengono discussi gli ostacoli incontrati dal progetto di ricerca sulle apocalissi culturali e i deliri di fine del mondo, e successivamente viene descritto il nuovo clima culturale che si sviluppò negli anni 1980, con l'emergere di nuovi paradigmi di pensiero favorevoli a un ripensamento del rapporto tra individuo e cultura. In questa prospettiva, il pensiero pionieristico di de Martino nell'intendere la presenza umana come intrinsecamente legata alle istituzioni culturali si prestò molto bene ad aprire una strada verso lo sviluppo di una psicologia complessa. [Testo dell'editore].

The difficult pursuit of a comparison between anthropology and psychology, undertaken by Ernesto de Martino, raised many perplexities in the Italian cultural landscape of the 1960s. In this paper, first the obstacles he encountered during his research project on cultural apocalypses and endoftheworld delusions are discussed. Subsequently, the new cultural setting of the 1980s, witnessing the emergence of new paradigms of thought favourable to rethinking the relationship between the individual psyche and the cultural sphere, is described. In this perspective, de Martino's pioneering thought, aimed at understanding how the human presence is intrinsically linked to cultural institutions, paved the way to the development of a complex psychology.

The specific contribution of de Martino was to usher, with no prejudice whatsoever, and actually with stringent rigor and indepth intuition, in an area in which methods of investigation and different types of knowledge about human existence are often undefined, contaminated, and undifferentiated. This is an area that today we can better approach through the various complexity theories, but at that time it was pioneered in Italy by de Martino. This led him to develop an unconventional and original intellectual trajectory, totally unlinked to the prevailing culture, a trajectory that in fact some authors have compared to that of Michel Foucault. [Publisher's text].

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Psicoterapia e scienze umane : LVI, 2, 2022