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100 Exercises to Get You Into Drama School

2008 - Methuen Drama

128 p.

  • The book's main asset is its clarity and accessibility, it relates to its readers in a helpful and clear way.' John Gillett, actor trainer and author of Acting on Impulse Competition for drama school is fierce, thousands apply every year for only a few places. Preparing well for your audition is key. This book gives drama-school hopefuls the inside track only previously available via professional coaches. It gives clear advice on improving acting skills through effective exercises in which voice, movement, text and character come together with a single aim: to pass that elusive audition and get your career off the ground. Content and acting workshops include: posture, movement, the Alexander Technique, voice, how to work with the text, how to prepare for the Big Day, how to behave on the day. A resource section for places of study is also included. With specific exercises designed by a top London drama school coach, this book will help you think and feel like an actor. Get into training for auditions in film,
  • TV or theatre today! [Publisher's text].
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