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Un'egemonia impossibile? : la Germania e l'Unione bancaria in Europa

2021 - Franco Angeli

140-159 p.

This essay intends to off er an alternative interpretation of Germany's role in the European crisis, based on a critical approach to international hegemony. Beyond the assumptions of the realist and liberal models, in fact, an analysis inspired by neoGramscian literature allows us to reset the problem of hegemony in analytically more complex and theoretically more productive terms, focusing on the socioeconomic dimension of confl icts in the European arena. This critical approach will be used to give a new interpretation of the role of Germany in Europe, from the construction of the Emu to the Eurozone crisis.

With reference to the latter, the construction of the Banking Union will be considered as a case study, since it represents an exemplary case of clash and mediation between confl icting hegemonic projects, responding to diff erent coalitions of social and political interests, and in which Germany and its economic elites play a major role in defi ning its institutional building and structural weaknesses. [Publisher's text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XX, 1, 2021