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Dal silenzio alla mobilitazione : la diaspora caucasica nella Turchia repubblicana

2021 - Franco Angeli

41-56 p.

  • Nearly seven million Turkish citizens are fully or partly descendants of refugees coming from Northern and SouthWestern Caucasus and more than two million of them keep and vigorously affirm a strong commitment to their roots. The public expression of their identity was totally forbidden from 1923 to 1946, but has been more or less tolerated since then. After a discussion of some meaningful events of the republican age, a survey of the current situation of this community is provided. Traditionally present in the Ottoman and later republican state apparatus much more than the Kurds, perceived as a privileged rather than a victimized minority, the Caucasian diaspora looks increasingly less inclined to blend in. [Publisher's text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 114, 3, 2021