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Road policing : a new concept : a research on legal and operational aspects of police cooperation and cross-border enforcement

2020 - Pacini Editore srl

118 p. ; ill.

  • Includes bibliographical references.
  • The present book is the development of the study "Road policing as a European Union Challenge - Legal and operational aspects of police cooperation and Cross-Border Enforcement", a thorough accurate research in the field of road safety, conducted by the author within the CEPOL European Joint Master Program "Policing in Europe" 2017/2019 and discussed as a Master Thesis at the UNED University of Madrid (Spain). Road Policing intends to be an effective contribution to the development of a new concept, capable of integrating the current vision of road safety, at present distinguished in traffic policing and vehicles crime prevention, in a different and holistic global approach.
  • The idea behind the new vision is the concept of the road as a particular world in which the terms of safety can be fully implemented, also with the use of current European police cooperation instruments. The research analyzes the data currently available, also based on the existing literature and taking into account the opinion of road safety experts. The result makes it possible to affirm that the new Road Policing is based on respect rules, and no longer only on infrastructure security related to the repression of violations. The new system is citizen-centered, in order to guarantee traffic safety and road user security in all circumstances. Road Policing can improve the reduction of numbers of deaths on the roads as well as having a clear impact on efforts against stolen vehicle trafficking and crimes on the highways or motorways. [Publisher's text]