La salvezza dagli dèi inattivi? : Epicuro sulla sotiría divina
1-23 p.
Do the Inactive Gods Save? Epicurus On the Divine ÏÂÏÂÏÂηÏÂία. Epicurus argued that the gods are inactive and aloof from human affairs. Yet, he also called them the "saviors" of humanity. The article presents an analysis of this apparent conflict in Epicurean theology by developing the following hypothesis. The Epicurean gods "save" because their atomic structure emits simulacra that indirectly have three positive effects on human beings by providing a clear perception of what a divine nature is, the feeling of pleasure, and a living model of the most perfect or blessed life. Moreover, an attempt is made to connect this theological perspective with Epicurean prayer, which is described as a means for understanding divinity and human happiness. Ultimately, the argument is put forward for a strong connection between physics and ethics. [Publisher's text].
Articles from the same issue (available individually)
ISSN: 1972-5558
- Epicurean physics, theory of perception, pleasure and happiness, desire, prayer, tradition, innovation