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Conservation science in cultural heritage : numero speciale, 2021
[2001 - 2020 : editorials]

2021 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 1-223

This is certainly an unusual volume whose particularity is its content which, as would be expected, does not present the thread of one unique theme with related issues running throughout, but instead brings together twenty Editorials dating from 2001-2020. They are the Editorials of the Journal founded in 2001, which initially bore the title “Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione”, then, in 2007 changed to “Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage” and are the result of exogenous motivations that have become endogenous over time. The first came after requests from friends, colleagues and readers of the Journal, who repeatedly underlined the extreme relevance of the Editorials' content. The second motivation was personal and intimate and determined by re-reading the said content and, in doing so, experiencing once again situations connected to various present-day problems and / or those projected into a possible future.

Within the context of the two key words, “interdisciplinarity and internationalization”, on which the Journal is based, topics of historicalartistic, technical-conservative, economic-managerial, social-legal interest are dealt with relating to the protection and valorization of cultural and environmental heritage. But there were also sensations and conditions deriving from the difficulties that followed the enthusiasm that went with managing the Journal: in its birth, in its unfolding, in its becoming, in its diffusion, in its affirmation, in its internationalization. The volume expresses the desire to retrace those steps which were first carefully pondered and then became reality and accompanied the Editorials and the Journal, their message is: “The quality of the information reflects the truth of science and the clarity of communication”.

Quality, truth and clarity are the result of the competence and commitment of Dr. Angela Mari Braida in relation to the correctness of the English parts of the book and the interpretative transfer of the Editorial content (not an easy task), and the recognized expert organization of Dr. Andrea Natali, whose work formed the base of the entire volume. [Publiher's text]

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Conservation science in cultural heritage. - Annuale = Annual