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Le industrie culturali e creative : una formula fortunata, ma ancora in cerca di identità (giuridica)

2018 - Franco Angeli

7-31 p.

  • Conceptually framing the formula «CCI-Cultural & Creative Industries» is an operation which has been mainly concerned with the economic doctrine of culture. The present contribu-tion offers the scientific community some food for thought from a legal point of view, in particular in relation to EU Law and domestic law. What makes the definition a unicum in the panorama of the multileveled public law is the specific character of CCI, which, at the same time, investigates the profiles of «culture», «creativity», and of «industry/economy». This also stands out in the Italian legal system, because the republican Constitution does not know that notion, which makes scholars give it a systematic interpretation. In addition to this, having to do with a form of regional State, we need to realise how competences between the State and the Regions are distributed, due to the heterogeneous sector of CCI.
  • The uncertainty of the notion in constitutional law allowed the State legislator to introduce a similar, but not an identical one: that of «cultural and creative enterprises», on which, in the final paragraph, this work tries to reflect at first reading. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista italiana di diritto del turismo : 22, 1, 2018