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Disaccordo morale e differenza di genere : la Philosophy for Communities come pratica educativa di comunità

2018 - Franco Angeli

165-178 p.

  • In this paper, we underline the problem of disagreement from an educational point of view, in connection with the issues of democracy and violence reduction. Among the various challenges that democracy and education are facing, in fact, the tolerance of moral disagreement in public sphere is one of the most interesting. Starting from a case study involving young adults in non formal education, we analyze how the proposal of the Philosophy for Communities (p4co), elaborated by Lipman and Sharp, can constitute an educational possibility to face the disagreement. In particular, the p4co setting encourage the meeting between intercultural, gender and generational diversity. We examine in detail a specific situation in which the disagreement has emerged in a research session. This example clarify how this educational proposal can cultivate a democratic habit. [Publishers' text].

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2018