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Appunti per una sociologia dell'ambiguità : il contributo delle arti visive

2018 - Franco Angeli

117-129 p.

In the globalized western thinking, the accelerated techno-scientific-communicational progress generated a widespread critique toward ambiguity, promoting the notion that true knowledge must adhere to scientific paradigms, based on either true or false. As a reaction, this trend is adding to the social reality an increasing need of a tool that allows emancipation from the deterministic cage of scientific rationality. This need can be satisfied by ambiguity, as typical of creative and receptive figurative arts. Their phenomenology, originating from an impulse, takes shape in its development, following free - not decided ex-ante by a form, but being realized ex-post as acting-form (literally formativity) pathways. Thus created, figurative arts is 'open' to the free interpretation of spectator. Thus becoming conform, figurative art extend their cultural influence to the society, preferring freedom around the polar couple of freedom and order. [Publishers' text].

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 55, 1, 2018