Arturo Graf, Massimo Bontempelli e la fertile stagione del giornalismo di Capitanata
127-139 p.
Starting from the study of printed periodicals such as «Scienza e Diletto» and «Luceria», which animated the Apulian cultural debate in the first decade of the twentieth century, the essay analyses the relationship between the national literature and the local culture in the light of some of Arturo Graf 's and Massimo Bontempelli's works, two authors apparently foreign to the Italian southern context, who, through the fertile mediation of scholars like Nicola Pescatore e Giulio Attilio Piovano, remarkably contributed, instead, to the antipostivistic and modern struggle for the idealistic and religious rebirth of the Capitanata territory. The research has been carried out through the documentaries of Massimo Bontempelli Archive deposited in the "Ruggero Bonghi" library in Lucera, also available now on the web portal "Carte d'Autore on line Archivio del Novecento", in the section dedicated to Bontempelli which was created with the contribution of the author of this essay. [Publishers' text].
Articles from the same issue (available individually)
ISSN: 2036-5071
- Graf, Bontempelli, periodici, Puglia, archivio, neoidealismo
- Graf, Bontempelli, periodicals, Apulia, archive, neo-idealism