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Una strategia italiana di supporto alle vittime di reato in area penale minorile : azioni a costo zero

2016 - Franco Angeli

102-112 p.

This article draws inspiration from the path of reflection, that started within the context of youth justice even before the adoption of the EU Directive 2012/29/UE establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA. Starting from the findings of the European project Integrated Restorative Justice Model for Victim and Youth (YO.VI.), that the author promoted and coordinated as the Applicant from the Department of Youth Justice - now Department for Youth Justice and Community - there has been a stimulating debate on the protection of the victim in the youth criminal justice system. Thanks to the contributions of distinguished experts in the fields of victimology, sociology and restorative justice as well as to an investigation of the Italian situation as regards the support services available to victims and the plurality of institutional and social actors, there has been an attempt to develop a comprehensive and articu

lated model of victim support services, that is able to operate synergically with restorative justice services. The aim of this contribution is therefore to advance strategic trajectories through which Italy could pursue the objectives of the EU Directive, transposed through the legislative decree of 15 December 2015, n. 212.

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Minori giustizia : rivista interdisciplinare di studi giuridici, psicologici, pedagogici e sociali sulla relazione fra minorenni e giustizia : 1, 2016