Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali. N. 4 - 2004, 2004 2004 - Vita e Pensiero Is part of Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali. - Trimestrale = Three-monthly Articles from the same issue (available individually) Reciprocity-based Emotions: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Experiencing Positive and Negative Reciprocity Get article Specializzazione e crescita: un'applicazione alle regioni dell'Unione Monetaria Europea Get article La vicenda del partenariato euromeditarreneo: prospettive e percorsi di integrazione Get article The Economic Impact of Technology Transfer in Developing Countries Get article Who Bears the Burden of Common Agricultural Price Policy? The Distributive Effects of Market Price Support in the Agricultural Sector Get article Information Permalink: http://digital.casalini.it/2193995 DISCIPLINES Social sciences