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Luigi Einaudi alla Costituente : la questione della Regione tra autonomia locale e prerogative statali

2024 - Franco Angeli

80-102 p.

The speeches of the economist and politician Luigi Einaudi at the Italian Constituent Assembly represent the impact points of his decades-long reflections. In this essay the author examined those dedicated to the regional question, placing them within a framework that took into account not only the positions expressed on the topic by the various parties in the Constituent Assembly, but also the debate that developed during the Second World War in the ranks of the liberal culture. In this way, the originality of Einaudi's position emerged, as on the subject of regional autonomy he took the most advanced position within the party in which he militated, the liberal one. [Publisher's Text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : 54, 1, 2024