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Combatting cyber terrorism : a guide to understanding the cyber threat landscape and incident response planning

2024 - IT Governance Publishing

315 p.

  • Includes bibliographical references.
  • In his second book with IT Governance Publishing, Richard Bingley's Combatting Cyber Terrorism - A guide to understanding the cyber threat landscape and incident response planning analyses the evolution of cyber terrorism and what organisations can do to mitigate this threat. This book discusses: Definitions of cyber terrorism; Ideologies and idealisations that can lead to cyber terrorism; How threat actors use computer systems to diversify, complicate and increase terrorist attack impacts; The role of Big Tech and social media organisations such as X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram within the cyber threat landscape; and How organisations can prepare for acts of cyber terrorism via security planning and incident response strategies such as ISO 31000, ISO 27001 and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. [Publisher's text]
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