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Economia circolare : critica di un paradigma emergente nella policy ambientale dell'UE

2017 - Franco Angeli

14-25 p.

  • Circular Economy is a new driver concept in EU policy arena. It entails in the management of local public services such as waste, water, energy and transport, to stimulate the reuse, repair and recycling of existing materials and products, and to promote new growth and job opportunities. Circularity concerns also the cultural aspects, in particular, the adoption of social practices inspired by "informationalism" (Aneesh, 2012) such as sharing, peer to peer, copyleft in order to avoid any kind of waste. The paper discusses the contradictions between the social and political implication of a circular economy and the hegemony of the neoliberalism approach in the EU. [Publishers' text].

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Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 1/2, 2017