Nevile, Liddy Why is Accessibility Metadata Proving Difficult? 2002 - Firenze University Press Ist Teil von Proceedings of the International conference on Dublin core and metadata for e-Communities, 2002 : DC-2002 ... : October 13-17, 2002, Florence, Italy. - ( Atti ; 5) Download Online lesen PDF k Kapitel
Currie, Michael | Woodman, Richard | Nevile, Liddy | Geileskey, Meigan Visualising Interoperability ARH, Aggregation, Rationalisation and Harmonisation 2002 - Firenze University Press Ist Teil von Proceedings of the International conference on Dublin core and metadata for e-Communities, 2002 : DC-2002 ... : October 13-17, 2002, Florence, Italy. - ( Atti ; 5) Download Online lesen PDF k Kapitel